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  • Writer's pictureS.S.

Sustainability game design: the who & the how

Nope, not the band. :)

"The who" I'm referring to here is the group of individuals I hope will use my game and intend to design for and market to. Our sustainability games are all intended for college students. My game specifically isn't geared toward a specific gender or age range within "college students" because it can apply to everyone, but I think it would be cool to use this game as part of a psychology class' curriculum or some sort of emotional/mental health promotional course offered on campuses.

In terms of "the how," to what extent my game would be used, I would intend for it to be more of an instructional, consciousness-centered, mindful, and practical experience. Playing this game would not be meant to turn into any sort of addiction as a lot of games have potential to do, nor do I think it ever would. My hope is that it would be a tool used in schools as a fun, alternative activity in place of assignments or something for a beginning PSYCH class or something. I would want it to be a learning tool and a promoter of awareness rather than a game that exists purely to be fun.

Thanks for reading!

{Today's mind/heart/soul-healthy challenge: Stop what you're doing at some point today to spend two minutes taking deep, mindful breaths. How do you feel?}


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