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Sustainability game design: challenge

Updated: Apr 5, 2019

If an investor gave me $200,000 and 2 years to bring my sustainability game idea into reality, I would accept the challenge. I would, however, also promise to repay the $200,000 if I failed to complete my mission.

My first step would be to thoroughly plan out every possible facet of my game so that before I even think about animating or sketching anything, I know exactly what elements need to be designed in the first place. Heaven knows I'm a wordy person, and things like bullet journaling and hand-written "brainstorms" are what facilitate the flow of my creativity. This would let me get everything out that I'd want to play a part in my game and give me solid foundations to then design it.

After I had everything sorted out and planned logistically, the next step would be to actually start designing the game. Since I'm a bit of a control freak when it comes to my work, I think I would attack this assignment with the assumption that I would literally do every step myself- simply for the fact that I understand what's going on in my own game because my hands and my mind were the ones to create it. Now I also do not have any experience with game design, which definitely throws a wrench in things, so this would mean a looooot of time spent on and Youtube trying to learn softwares and theories I've never even heard of. Though that sounds a bit silly as I write it, I also know that in the end I would be incredibly proud to step back and be able to see all the little steps that I did, despite my previous lack of experience. I also like the idea of doing all of these steps myself because this allows for the entire game to have my artistic touch and personal style woven all throughout. There's something special about identifying an artist in a piece of work because they themselves are so present, and I enjoy the thought of being able to be identified by this hypothetical game because of style or subject.

Thanks for stopping by!

{Today's mind/heart/soul-healthy challenge: Take a break from anything giving you a headache. Walk away (physically and/or mentally) and take some deep breaths. Try to return to it with fresh eyes and a clear mind.}


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